yes your opinion is right! the beat is very nice and keeps the flow going very well, i do think the dubsteppy drop can be worked on a bit, your song as a whole kicks ass though!
yes your opinion is right! the beat is very nice and keeps the flow going very well, i do think the dubsteppy drop can be worked on a bit, your song as a whole kicks ass though!
your song is a clipping make it less loud plsslspls
dont worry, the new songs DONT have clipping
blipp blopp misses the drop
edit i relistened and it's actually quite okay i don't know why i gave it this low of a rating i'm going to scout you this music is c r e a t i v e in a good way
Good riddens to the drop. Do we really need it?
the music of my nightmares keep trying xD - use reference tracks
very nice composition, try getting a better cello/violin plugin this one sounds a bit fake
very cool, maybe also a faster part 2? depends on the game aswell ofcourse
i like music and i'll only my most valuable and good projects here so if you listen them you should definitely feel something hmu for a collab
Age 26, Male
Earth xD LOL
Joined on 7/25/18